Youth Sports

Juan Madrid (1952-2003)   Founder of La Gente Youth Sports

Juan Madrid was the driving force behind La Gente Youth Sports. He grew up on Pueblo's Eastside, a heavily Chicano neighborhood strong in its family values but relatively poor in resources, especially for the youth. Returning from service in our nations military. he and his wife Elaine built their home in Eastwood Heights. or what is known as Dogpatch barrio, where they raised seven children. Juan and a core of dedicated volunteers organized teams of youngsters for T-Ball, Softball, Baseball, and Basketball and even brought other kids together for sports like Wrestling. Taking advantage of generous offers from private businesses and public officials, La Gente Youth Sports finds a way to field teams every year and to show the youth a world outside of there neighborhoods. Over the years, La Gente Youth Sports has strived to fulfill Juan's dream of providing opportunity to every youngster who wants to take part in sports and do something good for him or her. We at La Gente Youth Sports will continue the work begun by Juan Madrid, the man, the myth, and ultimately the Legend.

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