Youth Sports

Baseball / Softball Fundamentals League

March 1st - April 15th 2025

All coaches must register on-line and pass a background check.  
(follow the link at the bottom of the page)

Coed Coaches Pitch: Ages 8 and Under
A fun and positive recreational league where youth learn the fundamentals of baseball/softball. Cost is only $50 and includes a game t-shirt. 
 Your coach will inform you of the location, Time, and date of your first practice.  A practice may last up to two hours and is organized by the coach.

Coed Pitching Machine : Ages 10 and Under
A fun and positive recreational league where youth learn the fundamentals of baseball/softball. Cost is only $50 and includes a game t-shirt. 
 Your coach will inform you of the location, Time, and date of your first practice.  A practice may last up to two hours and is organized by the coach.

Girls Fastpitch Softball: Ages 12 and Under

A more competitive program to teach the fundamentals of  Live pitch (underhand fastpitch).
A fun and positive recreational league where youth learn the fundamentals of softball. Cost is only $50 and includes a game t-shirt. 
 Your coach will inform you of the location, Time, and date of your first practice.  A practice may last up to two hours and is organized by the coach.

Boys Baseball: Ages 12 and Under

A more competitive program to teach the fundamentals of  overhand live pitch.
A fun and positive recreational league where youth learn the fundamentals of baseball. Cost is only $50 and includes a game t-shirt. 
 Your coach will inform you of the location, Time, and date of your first practice.  A practice may last up to two hours and is organized by the coach

General Information

When and where will my child practice? 
            Your coach will inform you of the location, Time, and date of your first practice.  A practice may last up to two hours and is organized by the coach.

What equipment do participants need?
Glove: All players must have a glove.

Batting Helmet: All players must have a batting helmet.  Batting helmet with face guard recommended for 10U and 12U softball.

Bat: Not all players need a bat; however, a bat is recommended. 

Uniforms: La Gente Youth Sports provide shirts. Your coach will distribute the shirts. Sizes are taken from the online registration, therefore, it is important that the person registering the athlete requests the appropriate size.  No shirts will be reordered due to incorrect size on registration. Shorts, warmup pants or Baseball pants may be required by the coach.
Shoes: Tennis shoes or molded‐sole baseball shoes are the player’s responsibility.
Jewelry: Rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces, or other hard objects are prohibited. medical identification bracelets or chains are allowed if taped down.